Over the past 25 years, Z.A.ZEN has adapted its approach and skills base to assist clients in different spheres. Today we offer services in the following areas of expertise:



It takes an entrepreneur to understand what entrepreneurs face today. The Z.A.ZEN team took grounds-up entrepreneurship to another level with its self-funded qualitative research publication, the 2016 Entrepreneurship Research Study: Voices of Entrepreneurs in Johannesburg. Our study was adopted into the City Council’s Economic Development Strategy. Z.A.ZEN also conceptualized, facilitated, captured the database and oversaw the 2017 City of Johannesburg’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Regional Summits and Symposium, which included more than 2 000 entrepreneurs in Johannesburg. Z.A.ZEN is more than a research specialist and consulting business – the company has over 16 years’ experience running four different businesses, and has worked with hundreds of small businesses as an export agent to Japan. In addition to exporting to Japan, Z.A.ZEN creates and sells internationally its own line of hand-crafted African trade bead jewellery, which can be viewed on We take our entrepreneurial spirit to heart by translating our knowledge to open markets for others, assisting and mentoring young people and entrepreneurs and developing insights to guide those who make decisions about entrepreneurs at a policy level.



What makes Z.A.ZEN unique is our approach to qualitative research and analytical insights.

After completing its self-funded 2016 Entrepreneurship Research Study: Voices of Entrepreneurs in Johannesburg, Z.A.ZEN worked with the City of Johannesburg in 2017 to develop their entrepreneurship ecosystems, conceptualized and facilitated nine days of entrepreneurship events, and developed action plans on how to take the insights gained forward.

Our specific area is case study development. One of our clients is the City of Johannesburg, for which Z.A.ZEN has written annual case studies over the past six years.

By creating its own case study methodology, Z.A.ZEN has helped the City capture success stories and lessons learned in areas as diverse as food security and urban agriculture to green bonds and Separation at Source for city-wide recycling and small business development. Z.A.ZEN’s depth of experience gives us the flexibility to adjust to a client’s needs.

We also have expertise in diverse areas such as fund-raising and creating strategies and documents to assist clients in meeting business needs. Z.A.ZEN has developed research and strategy documents for global, multi-national clients, government and non-profits alike.

Our research is based on creating actionable insights for clients. We believe that research documents must help in decision-making and assist clients in developing action plans.




As markets grow more competitive and government faces deepening challenges, the need for better strategy, greater innovation and the ability to capitalize on change through knowledge management has become greater.

Z.A.ZEN is known for translating its global corporate expertise for application at municipal government level, working with institutions and corporations, helping non-profits apply business principles, and applying 25 years of experience in reviewing strategy, innovation and knowledge management challenges.

We offer global experience in strategic planning through workshop facilitation, workshop development and assisted development of strategy documents.

Z.A.ZEN has delivered on strategic publications in knowledge management and innovation and has developed in-depth expertise with a team of consultants, writers and others. These solutions include the innovation publications and knowledge management documents for the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and the City of Johannesburg.